Explore Little-Known but Effective Hacks to Organizing Your Custom Closet

Rob Guerin • January 5, 2024
Explore Little-Known but Effective Hacks to Organizing Your Custom Closet

We all love the idea of a perfectly organized custom closet, with clothes neatly arranged by type, color, and season. Shoes smartly lined up along the floor, sweaters folded just so. But let's be honest - most of us will never achieve such a Pinterest-worthy order. Instead, our custom closets often erupt into disaster zones, crammed with an odd mix of worn favorites we can't bear to toss and impulse purchases that seemed clever in the moment. Overwhelmed, we shove things wherever there's an empty spot just to force the door closed. Sound familiar?

But friends, with some clever unconventional tricks, you can transform closet chaos into functional organization. These creative hacks have totally changed my custom walk-in and can work for you too. 

  • Assessing the current state
  • Creative storage solutions 
  • Rules for avoiding future messes 
  • Periodic purging & editing 
  • Ongoing maintenance

Assessing the Current State

First things first: Pictures and words are your friends when trying to make sense of a messy closet. Getting a visual lay of the land helps you formulate a strategy. Ask yourself: What's causing the most headaches here? 

Before strategizing, visually analyze the space:

  • Take photos of the whole closet and problem areas from multiple angles.
  • Study images and make notes about what works vs. what doesn't.
  • Identify main pain points like overcrowding, mixing clothing categories, etc.

Getting a visual lay of the land helps formulate a master plan. Once you ID the key issues, you can start troubleshooting.

Custom Closet System

Creative Storage Solutions

To begin with, divide and conquer with unexpected storage solutions. If you're short on traditional shelving or drawers, get creative. 

  • Double hanging capacity 
  • Add a second tension rod below the existing closet rod.
  • Categorize with dollar store bins 
  • Use tall, slim laundry baskets to neatly corral scarves, workout wear, PJs, etc.
  • Maximize wall space
  • Mount a wooden ladder horizontally to store shoes.
  • Use vertical metal microwave racks underneath for sandals, heels, and flats.
  • Keep handy fabric bins for quick cleanup
  • Toss items when trying looks to easily put back later.

Rules for Avoiding Future Messes

Never return an item to your closet without asking yourself, "Does this have a home?" If yes, put it there immediately. If not, create a home before hanging it up. This applies to new purchases too. 

  • Give every item a designated home spot 
  • Create a spot before hanging up something new.
  • Deal with new additions immediately
  • Carve out a location so items don't get lost.
Custom Closet System

Periodic Purging & Editing

Pare down periodically with a reverse shopping trip. This is when you try on every item in your closet, keeping only pieces you feel fantastic in that fit your current lifestyle. Bag up clothes that are outdated, worn-out, or don't flatter your figure, and donate them so someone else can enjoy them. 

I know, this process can be a bit painful. But maintaining a curated closet of beloved items you actually wear makes getting ready infinitely less stressful. Clearing space allows your existing clothes to breathe, so you can see (and choose from) what you own.

  • Try on every article
  • Keep only pieces you feel great in and wear currently.
  • Bag up ill-fitting, outdated items to donate.
  • Editing minimizes wardrobe stress
  • Choosing from curated favorites you actually wear is easier.
  • Clearing space allows clothes to breathe.

Ongoing Maintenance

My last hack is perhaps the simplest but most powerful: Make tidying up super-fast. Install multiple laundry hampers or bins around your closet. After wearing an item, toss it directly into the dirty bin. 

Invest in velvet hangers so items slide effortlessly into place. Martha Stewart explains that velvet hangers are slimmer, leaving more room in the closet, but also textured, which prevents clothes from slipping off the hanger. Use shelf dividers, fabric boxes, and other easy-ID storage solutions so everything has a dedicated home. 

  • Hampers and bins make quick tidy-up stations
  • With multiple containers to toss worn items in, it’s easy to keep items off the floor.
  • Velvet hangers for smooth sliding of your hanging clothes
  • Shelf dividers and storage cubes help you easily find item homes


With these hacks, achieving the perfect custom closet doesn’t have to be a huge ordeal. Little touches here and there really do make a difference. I hope you'll give some of these unconventional ideas a try the next time chaos strikes. With some concerted effort, your closet can stay neat long-term!


There was a time not too long ago, when closet organizers, custom closets, and closet systems were only for those who could afford a custom closet design. Fortunately, Connecticut Closets and Garages, LLC has found a way to make these luxuries affordable.


Connecticut Closets & Garages

1349 Waterbury Rd, Thomaston, CT 06787


(860) 864-5661


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